
Showing posts from September, 2022
 Teaching HPE classes with ICT. The much awaited HPE class comes ones in a week for the kids. And it will  be quite tough taking children outside when the temperature reaches more than 38 degree Celsius. But with the use of  ICT, the HPE classes can be taken inside the class with the room temperature. And indeed the  work of a teacher becomes easier and the class becomes lively.
 Teaching Maths through use of ICT. Teaching mathematic topics like Creating Picto Graph and Bar Graph were quite interesting and easy through the use of ICT.  The learners enjoyed and was easier for them to get the concepts clearly . Unlike normal teaching  and  learning with the use of ICT learners were  found meaningfully  engrossed  in  all the activities assigned. They were also found actively participating as they could understand the concepts and ideas clearly.